Which user level can delete a job posting can be adjusted in the Roles and Permissions settings under Account Details. If you do not see Roles and Permissions in Account Details, please reach out to your Administrator for assistance. 

Note: Admin users can delete a job posting that has applicants assigned to it if they first move the applicants to another job posting, leaving the job posting to be deleted with zero applicants. 


How to Delete a Job Posting


1. From your dashboard, click on the dropdown menu next to the job posting title you want to delete and select Delete Job from the list.

**Job posting must have zero applicants assigned to it. (See above note on moving applicants.)

**This action is irreversible so make sure you are ready to delete the job when you click on the link.


2. A notification box will pop up asking, "Are you sure? All Job data, including any applicants,

 will be permanently deleted. This cannot be undone." Click the blue delete box then your job will be deleted.